When to Introduce a Pillow

When to Introduce a Pillow


One of the most exciting parts of parenting is watching your child grow and develop, but this same process can also present some of the biggest challenges as a parent. That's because every child grows on their own, unique timeline, which means it's not always easy to know when to make certain changes. At 5 Little Monkeys, we are dedicated to helping kids everywhere get the healthy sleep they need through our custom-made children's mattress, because high-quality sleep is crucially important to the growth and development of any child. But even sleep itself can present some difficult questions, including when to first introduce a pillow. 

When Should My Child Start Using a Pillow?

Every kid is different, so there's no hard timeline for when to have them start using a pillow. But with that said, you should have your toddler start using a pillow once you move them out of the crib and into a toddler or twin bed – usually, between the ages of 18 and 24 months. Using a pillow is part of the transition to a "big kid bed," as it will help support your child's head as they learn to sleep on a normal mattress.

As always, though, make sure you're using a high-quality kids pillow that's specifically designed to support children. Cheap or poor-quality pillows are often filled with nothing but styrofoam pieces, which do not provide proper comfort or support and can reduce the quality of your child's sleep. A high-quality children's pillow, combined with a premium kids mattress, is the best way to ensure your child gets the restful sleep they for healthy growth.

Try Our Children's Mattress Today

While most kids start using a pillow around this age, no two children are identical, so you should ultimately use your judgment to decide when to transition to using a pillow. And if you're currently looking for a big kid bed for your child, 5 Little Monkeys is proud to offer one of the best kids mattresses on the market. See for yourself what our customers are saying by reading out 5 Little Monkeys reviews, then try our sleep system for 100 nights, 100% risk-free!